100 Witch Names for Your Characters
From Enchanting Enchantresses to Wicked Sorceresses
Choosing the Perfect Witch Name
Whether you're looking for a wacky sorceress name like Broom Hilda or a downright scary witch's name like Hexuba, choosing the perfect name for a witch can be a magical endeavor that can breathe life into a character and shape their persona in countless ways.
Generator for Good and Evil Witches
Whether you're writing a whimsical children's story or a dark and foreboding thriller, this witch name generator will provide you with a diverse range of names that suit both good and evil witches.
Real-World Inspiration
The names in this generator are inspired by a combination of real-world witches (like Morgan le Fay and Circe), fictional witches (like Sabrina Spellman and Willow Rosenberg), and creative flair.
Try It Out!
To get started, simply click the "Generate Names" button and you'll be presented with a list of 10 random witch names. If you don't like the names you get, simply click the button again to generate a new set.
Help Your Character Come to Life
With this witch name generator, you're sure to find the perfect name for your witch character. So whether you need a name for a wise old crone or a mischievous young witch, this generator has you covered.