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Bring Me The Horizons Kool Aid A Cry For Revolution

Bring Me the Horizon's "Kool-Aid": A Cry for Revolution

The Infamous Martyrs of the Devolution

In their haunting anthem "Kool-Aid," Bring Me the Horizon paints a chilling portrait of a society suffocating under the weight of its own despair. The lyrics, written by frontman Oli Sykes, confront the apathy and conformity that pervade modern life, calling for a revolution against the oppressive systems that hold us back.

The Scars on the Sun

The song opens with a somber declaration: "We are the children of the devolution." This line serves as a grim testament to the lost souls who have been left behind by a society that values profit over human connection. The "scars on the sun" symbolize the wounds inflicted upon the marginalized and forgotten, reminders of a world broken and unjust.

Asphyxiating with a Smile

Sykes's lyrics capture the insidious nature of oppression, which often manifests as a suffocating smile. The people are forced to wear masks of contentment, even as they silently suffocate under the weight of their own disillusionment. This asphyxiation is both physical and emotional, as individuals are deprived of their dignity and their dreams.

A Call for Revolution

"Kool-Aid" is ultimately a call for reckoning. Sykes urges the downtrodden to rise up against the forces that seek to silence them. He declares, "We will not be forgotten / We will not be erased." This defiant message ignites a spark of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, the spirit of rebellion can prevail.


Bring Me the Horizon's "Kool-Aid" is a powerful and thought-provoking anthem that challenges the status quo and inspires us to fight for a better world. Its haunting lyrics and raw emotion leave a lasting impression, reminding us that true freedom comes from the courage to confront injustice and to demand change.
